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Clowns and Jokers Judging

For all intents and purposes, the Supreme Court has ruled that God is wrong and they are right. Somewhere in our history WE the People fell for the lie of judicial supremacy. If the Supreme Court’s ruling on homosexual marriage does not wake up the church, then...


Actor C. Thomas Howell in the 1986 comedy movie Soul Man uses blackface to win a scholarship to pay for his entrance into Harvard Law School. It was a semi-funny portrayal on effects of equal opportunity and identity politics. We have a real-life case of a blackfaced...

Bruce Is Not Caitlyn

So Bruce Jenner now thinks he is a woman and our depraved society is celebrating Jenner’s courage and heroism. Jenner is neither courageous or a hero and we tell you why in this segment of Truth Watch Radio. Listen and subscribe here. Here’s the NY Times...